Manage your Money!
Teach your children the vital skill of money management!
For children aged 7-11.
For children aged 7-11.
Sensational Stories
Set your imagination on fire with fun activities inspired by story books
Make stories more fun!
Make interactive resources that you can share with your child to make story telling exciting and fun!
Get Ready for Reception!
A practical and emotionally supportive course to help you and your child prepare for starting school.
Mighty MiniBeasts!
Go on a scavenger hunt with magnifying glasses and make your own mini beast model! !
For children aged 4-11.
For children aged 4-11.
The Anxious Child
A supportive course to help you understand your child's anxiety and learn how to support them with it.
Sassy Symbols
Numeracy focused games, art & music, ideal for parents/carers of children aged 3 – 6
Rhyming Rabbits
Communication, language & literacy focus through the use of rhymes and story books.
Ideal for parents/carers of children aged 1 - 5.
Ideal for parents/carers of children aged 1 - 5.
Busy Bears Workshop
Communication, language & literacy focus through the use of a popular book.
Ideal for parents/carers of children aged 2 - 4
Ideal for parents/carers of children aged 2 - 4
Physical Phonics
Literacy focused games and activities, ideal for parents/carers of children aged 3 – 6.
Fossil Hunting Workshop
Discover the animals and plants that lived in the warm seas that covered East Sussex millions of years ago!
Fun with Learning
Literacy & Numeracy focus for EYFS, ideal for parents/carers of children aged 3 – 6
Go Wild in the Garden
Creative & educational family course explores ways to learn more about common UK bugs and wildlife & how we can support them
Suitable for children aged 2+
Suitable for children aged 2+