Money Matters

Money Matters - GRH Training
Money Matters - GRH Training
Money Matters - GRH Training

Money Matters

Support to improve your money management skills (adult 19+ only)


This course will explore ways in which you could improve your own personal finance skills using simple, easy to understand ideas. Discover how to set a family budget and learn how to keep track of your spending and reduce your bills to help meet your spending and saving targets. If you have debts, you could find out how to access safe and reliable support to help you to manage them, and if you are facing financial difficulties, you could also find out what financial support you may be entitled to.


How to enrol:


Tel : 07875133345

Or contact us via the contact page.

Your course tutor is Gail

Gail - Tutor for GRH Training

GRH Training Testimonials
What previous participants have to say: our testimonials

I learnt how to do a much more detailed budget which gave me a better understanding of how I’m spending my money. I’ve manged to stop spending as much and learn where I’m spending money that I could save. It was very good and I enjoyed it.

Thank you Gail – I felt listened to helped and supported as well as encouraged and empowered.

Alex is a great source of help and she has improved confidence and helped in many areas of budgeting, bills and debt.

How to enrol:


Tel : 07875133345

Or contact us via the contact page.